
Dr.Kayatri BHMS

Dr.Kayatri qualified homeopathy physician is available in house to look after our inpatients and she will be running our Out Patient homeopathy clinic from 9am to 12.30pm in the afternoon

Dr.Swathi BHMS

Dr.Swathi homeopathy doctor will be available for consultation in the evening 5pm to 7pm.

Outpatient services

Most patients require outpatient management of symptoms with telephonic support as and when it is required.

Consultation and Pain Management

Pain management can be simple or complex, depending on the cause of the pain. An example of pain that is typically less complex would be nerve root irritation from a herniated disc with pain radiating down the leg. This condition can often be alleviated with an epidural steroid injection and physical therapy. Sometimes, however, the pain does not go away. This can require a wide variety of skills and techniques to treat the pain.

Home visit Services

Turiya professionally trained nurse professionals will provide some of the out patient services in the comfort of the patients home for registered customers as required.

Homeopathy doctors available

Home visit by homeopathy doctor/ nurses in a competitive package

Transition care

If the person you care for has been in hospital and is ready to be discharged, but still needs more help than usual, then they may benefit from transition care.

Transition care provides short-term care that is focused on particular therapies such as physiotherapy (exercises, mobility, strength and balance) , as well as counseling and social work. It aims to help the patient to become as independent as they can be after they've been in hospital, and provides extra support.