

We have a new technique in reducing the side effects of Chemotherapy called "Tautopathy". Tautopathy is a novel technique based on homeopathic principle in reducing the side effects.

Why Chemotherapy Produce Side Effects?

Chemotherapy drugs actually kills the any actively dividing fast growing cells of our body, obviously cancer cells are the fastest so they destroy cancer cells unfortunately they also have an effect on other fast growing normal cells such as hair cells, stomach and intestinal lining, bone marrow etc. This may lead to hair loss, nausea vomiting and low blood count etc


What are the real benefits?

  • Side effects of Chemotherapy medicines are reduced substantially.
  • Enhance the clearance of cancel cells death.

How to take it?

  • It should be always along with chemotherapy not instead.
  • Orally the liquid needs to be taken 2.5ML or 5ML 30 Minutes before food for the entire duration of chemotherapy.


What is Tautopathy?

Basically it is the same chemotherapy medicine (docetaxel, paclitaxel, carboplatin, etc) prepared in an unique homeopathy technique, the end product is potentised chemotherapy medicine in an oral form. This potentised chemotherapy medicine will have a negligible quantity of Allopathic chemotherapy medicine (in micrograms level).

How does it help?

  • Homeopathy law of similar says a substance that trigger a certain disease can also be used to treat that disease.
  • Since chemotherapy produce lots of side effects same in a minute quantity in micrograms does will reduce it.